Sunday, October 2, 2011

Feed Me! Conference Breakfast

Since it's General Conference weekend and we are watching from the comfort of our home, I thought that I should at least make something special for breakfast.  I was going to make our favorite german pancakes with buttermilk syrup recipe, but I had some leftover banana oat muffins that were getting dry so I decided to make bread pudding instead.  I used this recipe here and substituted muffins for half the bread.  

This was the first time I've ever made bread pudding so I don't have anything to compare it to, but it was super simple and yummy - especially with the sauce drizzled on top.   Ok, forget the bread pudding, you just really need to try this buttermilk syrup recipe (aka carmel sauce).  We love it on the german pancakes and it was the star of the bread pudding too.  Daniel, who is not a fan of carmel anything, loves this stuff.

Oh, you noticed the lovely fish pitcher in the picture did you?  Well, that my friends is a GurglePot.  It's my new favorite thing, compliments of my sister, Elizabeth. 

1 comment:

Here Dwells Happiness said...

Yummy - sounds delicious. Also glad you mentioned the pot. It is so cute!