Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's Craft Time! Candy Monster

I saw this awesomely cute tutorial recently, and the other day during Dane's nap I had an itch to be crafty, and I had an empty tissue box (I never have empty tissue boxes because I never buy actual "facial" tissue).

So using only supplies on hand*, this is what was created...our Halloween Candy Monster (because I plan on putting candy in it's mouth instead of tattles).

This would be a great craft to do with the kiddos! (maybe using good ole Elmers instead of hot glue).

*Originally I used cotton balls for the eyes, but quickly found out that they don't hold up so well, especially at the hands of a toddler.  So I did go out and purchase some pom poms to replace the eyes.

1 comment:

cairn said...

I love it! With the googly eyes coming out of the body it reminds me of the green monsters in Commander Keen!... Any chance you'll change the color for me?