Sunday, August 9, 2009

When a Thing is Wick

and someone cares about will grow.

We have had so much fun this summer planting and growing a garden with Mom and Dad Gerow and Grandma and Grandpa Gerow. My dad planted a garden often but unfortunately I was never much interested in helping out. Unforuntate because I've discovered that I love working in the garden! Watching the plants grow tall and green and then watching the fruit appear and rippen and then most of all eating the delicious harvest. I even love weeding!

(top: some of our bounty; right: Daniel, Mom, Matthew, and Grandma snapping green beans)


Sarah and Teddy said...

Hey Teddy and I were thinking of you two the other day. It looks like things are going well. You are missing a really really hot summer here in Houston! Let us know where you decide to go after Daniel graduates :)

Genevieve Beck said...

I can very much see you enjoying a garden. We've been enjoying one too this year and it is really exciting to see the whole process! We missed you guys last night!

Rebecca said...

Do you want to come weed my yard?

I, unfortunately, am not a fan of gardening. And I have a lot of flower beds.