Sunday, January 24, 2010

Call Me Crazy

I think even before I got pregnant I was drawn to the "crazy" idea of natural childbirth. Oh sure, I've heard the stories and the comments: "the epdiural was the best thing ever" "I would have died without the drugs" "God gave us the technology so why be stupid and not use it" etc., etc., etc.

Even so, there was this voice in the back of my head that said, "but...."

After doing a lot of thinking and some research, we decided to take a HypnoBirthing class (well, I pretty much decided but Daniel has been 100% supportive). HypnoBirthing teaches self-hypnosis and relaxtion to be able to have a comfortable and easy natural birth. We've gone to two classes already and we're both really excited about it and we've learned a lot of interesting things.

So, I'll let you know in three and a half months how it worked.


Whitney said...

I've heard that if you go natural that hypno birthing is the way to go! I've heard nothing but good things about it. You go girl!

I'm really glad that I had an epidural with my first one but I'm considering trying natural with another baby someday.

Good Luck!!!

Here Dwells Happiness said...

cool, I've heard about it too. can't wait to find out if it works for you.

Genevieve Beck said...

I took a hypnobirthing class for Timothy and loved it. It didn't work out that time for the birth, but I'm confident this time will be much better! I'm excited for you--that will be an awesome day!
PS--I did not like the epidural at all.

Kathryn said...

I will not call you crazy. I will call you brave. I imagine myself trying to go natural, but having an epidural be my plan B. I don't want to take any classes though, because whenever I read about different methods, I start to hyperventilate a little.

Holly said...

Exciting! I'm impressed that you would decide to face something unknown and not rely on "help". Plus, epidurals don't always work, and it's more in tune with your body to have the whole experience. Check out a friend of mine for more ...

Rebecca Reid said...

I absolutely loved my natural birth for Paul! I would highly recommend doing it if you can.

I had "planned" on getting an epidural but waited as long as I could and then asked and it was too late. But i could walk about of the delivery room and I seriously felt like doing cartwheels the next day. So awesome!

Laura Jensen said...

Debbie had done it both ways--natural and epidural. She could give you a realistic view of what it is like. I for one, thought I was missing out on something by having an epidural both times, but you know, in the end, I really felt good about being able to be "present" for the birth. I was happy and pain free and for me it was a good decision. Besides, contractions were dang painful! Now with this next one, it'll probably be the same thing, but we'll see. Maybe I will try to tough it out and go natch. ;) Much love and best wishes to you and Cletus.