Friday, December 17, 2010

And the Goose's baby, well he needs to get fat

So we went to the 6-month follow-up visit last week and Dane had only gained 1 oz during the previous month. So at the doctor's recommendation, we went to the dietician on Wednesday, and she's concerned. Dane is way off the charts, but it's not so much that he's small (he's always been small), it's that his rate of growth isn't normal (5 times less than what it should be).

So the plan is to continue to breastfeed and give him high calorie solids - basically put oil or butter in everything we give him. We're also supposed to give him at least 4 oz of concentrated formula every day. But, not thinking about the consequences, we haven't given him a bottle since shortly after we moved here and now he won't take one...argh! We've tried a sippy cup too and the most he'll do is chew on the spout. So I went and got some different brands to try, but I'm already feeling it's a lost cause.

We go back to the dietician in a month and if he still isn't growing then we'll see a GI doctor to make sure there isn't some sort of other problem, like a deficiency or absorbtion problem.

Everyone keeps telling me how healthy Dane looks and that he doesn't look too skinny, and I believe them, but we decided that we need to do everything we can just to make sure. So, if after all is said and done, he is still small and a slow grower, then we'll know it's not because of something we did(n't) do.


Rebecca Reid said...

I didn't give Paul a bottle really ever. In fact, when he was nine months, he bit me so, in my righteous indignation, I went out and bought formula and told him he had to have a bottle if he was going to bite me. Then he loved the formula and bottle and wouldn't nurse ever again. That was it for him. I say, just keep trying the bottle every day, and one of these days he'll get excited that he can hold it himself! That's what Paul loved: the independence.

That said, Paul was a huge eater. As in eating until he spit up. He still is.

I do hope your baby gets the hang of the bottle and eating so he can gain some weight! But he sure looks happy, so you must be doing something right! Hugs!

Jen S said...

I think he's the stinkin' cutest little guy. :) My sister had a lot of the same problems with all 4 of her babies and had to do all the high calorie stuff. Some people just have small babies! I know it's been super stressful for her, so I'm really sorry!! :( Hopefully Dane will start gaining some serious weight once he gets the good stuff ... table food!! Katie loooves table food!

Holly said...

Good luck with everything. Parenting is so fun, but then your kids don't cooperate and your doctors give you extra homework!

Emily said...

Have you bought an Adiri brand bottle? I hear they're pretty good - and look and feel like a boob.... haha. Who knows. Just a thought. And he is so stinkin' cute :)

Carrie and Tyson said...

I think he's adorable and looks healthy as can be! I hear ya though. Tyler has a dietitian appt. on Monday because he's so low in the percentile game. He's always been tall and skinny. Don't doctors get that not all babies are chunk-a-monks? Good call though, to do your part and at least you'll have peace of mind when all is said and done. (I still think he's cute as a button just the way he is though!)