Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just a word

We're still alive. We've been very busy lately moving into our new apartment and getting it habitable. We finally feel like we're making great progress, it feels much more like a home. Now if only we had living room furniture it would be complete :)

We've also been very busy working out. A while ago I decided I wanted to train for a sprint triathalon and then Daniel decided he'd do it too, so we've been working out every morning at 5 am. Then a couple weeks ago we started a swim class on MWF evenings too. It's been a lot of fun, but very challenging and very tiring. Thus, the absence of posts. But hopefully we'll have something exciting for you soon...with picures even!


Rebecca said...

it took us three years to get furniture....sounds like you're off to a great start!

Kathryn said...

Hi, Emily! Great work with the exercise schedule. Matt and I keep deciding we're going to start waking up early to exercise, and then we keep not doing it.

Genevieve Beck said...

What triathlon? Michael and I are hoping to do a relay for the Echo one in July. We should definitely follow your example though and be better about our training!

Carrie and Tyson said...

You have a blog!!! I had no idea until you just made a comment on mine. I'm so happy! Now we can catch up. And for the record, you were definitely on my list to call when I was in Provo, but little guy was ready to go home and you still had hours before the work day was over (and I was with my sis during the lunch hours). Darn work complicating everything!