Yesterday Daniel competed in the Telos Timp Tri (the same sprint triathlon we did in November). He did pretty well and today is definitely feeling the effects of not having trained. I'm not gonna lie - I can't wait to have my body back so I can do stuff like that again (sigh). I forgot my camera so resorted to the cell phone and if I can ever figure out how to get the pictures on to a computer I will post them.
Mostly we're just excited for Daniel's graduation and the arrival of our little boy!
Emily... I know how you feel! 37 weeks is.... well you just don't feel comfortable no matter if you are standing, sitting, in bed or whatever! Even thought it's been 4+ months since Ella was born, I still often tell Brent how grateful I am to be able to bend over and move around without a big belly in my way! LOL Hope it all goes well when the time comes! I'm so excited for you guys!
Hooray! What an uncomfortable time, but I'm so excited for you! Being a mom is cool. Babies are cool. Having a little family of your own is cool. And congrats in advance to Daniel!
yeay! I am so excited for you. I hope these last two weeks go well....although I know from experience they drag on and on (Paul was just 4 days late)
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