Sunday, December 6, 2009

Honest Blog

I was tagged to do a post including 10 honest things about it goes:

1) One of my biggest pet peeves is when motorcyclists don't wear helmets.
2) I don't like the Twilight books (I've only ready the first one and that was out of obligation).
3) I really want Cletus to be a girl.
4) That's why I decided to definitely find out the gender - so if he is a boy, I can get used to it.
5) We put up our little Christmas tree a few days before Thanksgiving this year (I'm usually pretty adamant about waiting until after Thanksgiving to start the Christmas season).
6) I wrecked my mom's car when I was learning to drive (there was this light pole....).

i couldn't think of more so I decided to share this post with Daniel - here are his:

7) I heart spreadsheets.
8) One of my pet peeves are bad grammar.
9) I had ninja turtle pajamas when I was six.
10) I like pickled beets.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

ooo if you want a girl, it's definitely going to be a boy.

For what it's worth, I thought a girl would be easier but now that I have a boy oh my I can't imagine having a little girl!!