Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goodbye Utah...

Hello Houston...

After celebrating a wonderful Christmas in Ohio with my family, we finally made it back to Utah late on the 30th. Just in time to finish packing, load the car, and ring in a quick New Year with Daniels' family.

We arrived in Houston on Saturday without incident. I proceeded to get horribly sick and quickly discovered one of the beauties of working from home. Although it did make it much more tempting with the bed right there.

So far I haven't gotten out much with Daniel's training going late each night and I've been putting in about 10-11 hours of work each day. I promise we'll have some adventures to entertain you with soon!


Holly said...

Exciting! I'm sure the adventures will come...after you get over being ill. In my experience, you are never led anywhere without it being part of a grand scheme. Later you look back and say, I'm so glad we went there, even though we had no idea how it would impact us.

Rebecca said...

How nice to be somewhere *warm* right now! I'm excited for your new adventure.

What are you doing for work that you get to work from home? Sounds cooshy!

Unknown said...

We miss you guys, but are excited about your adventures.
Please post pictures of your apartment and yourselves. We'd love to see how the warmer half lives.

Kathryn said...

Who needs sunshine? Just kidding, although I am excited to play in the Utah snow a little longer. Thanks for letting me know about your blog. I'm sad you're so far away now, but glad that I have this connection to you.