Wow, it sounds so crazy to say that Dane is 9 months old! I look at the little newborn babies, and sometimes I miss him being so small, but not for very long (it was still is). I love that he is older and more interactive, and learning so much.
On Thursday, he took his first un-aided step. It wasn't very graceful. For now, he's mostly sticking to the walls and furniture, but every once in a while he'll try by himself. But man, he sure can get around. I probably shouldn't admit the following story, but I will anyway. The other day Dane was in the living room playing and I was in the kitchen (which looks into the living room) and after a little bit I realized that I didn't hear him anymore, so I came around the counter and he wasn't there, anywhere. I looked in the corners, I looked behind the couches - he wasn't there. I thought, is it possible for a baby to just disapear into thin air? I looked in our bedroom, called out his name, then finally I went into his bedroom and there he was picking the trash out of the wastebasket. He still doesn't crawl though, so at least I know that if I put him out of reach of anything he can pull up on, he will stay put.
We love our little guy, he brings smiles to our faces every day. And as promised I am sharing lots of pictures.