Saturday, December 26, 2009

Baby Gerow

Well, 50% of you that voted were's a Boy! And no, we don't have a name yet.

Here is a little foot and his profile:

These pictures were from the first ultrasound.*

These are from the second.*
His little feet together, 10 toes!

His cute profile again:
He had the hiccups during this ultrasound was quite amusing to watch.

*During our first ultrasound they found a white spot in the heart - an Echogenic Intracardiac Focus (EIF). So they sent us to a perinatologist the next week for a follow-up ultrasound. The presence of an EIF with other abnormalites indicates a possible genetic problem, but found by itself isn't really cause for concern.

Fortunately both ultrasounds revealed that everything else with the baby looks normal so the doctors aren't concerned about it.

Next up: a profile picture of me :)


Unknown said...

That is one good looking baby! And those are the cutest toes. Can't wait for more photos of my Grandson.

Anonymous said...

Yea! So fun! Ella is excited! Oh, and she had an EIF too... but it's all good now. Nothing came of it.


Laura said...

yay for boys! We do love boys over here - if you need anything, please let me know! Oh, I washed my Moby for you. Now you just have to come over and get it so I can see you again!

Sarah and Mark said...

Congrats on the baby boy! We found out that both of ours are girls. Hope you are feeling well!

Andrea said...

Hooray--congratulations, Emily! I'm so excited for you! And so glad everything looks okay.

Kathleen said...

Congratulations, Emily and Daniel! Cute ultrasounds. I especially love the ones of his feet. Like Andrea said, I'm also very happy for you that things have looked good since that first ultrasound.

Whitney said...

Oh cute! Little boys are the best. I don't have any name suggestions but I do have some DONT NAME suggestions.


Unless you want him to have 5 other people with the same name in his class. :)

Carrie and Tyson said...

Hooray for Baby Boy! I love the picture of his feet with his tiny toes. :-)