Monday, September 21, 2009

Birthday Surprise

Friday was my 28th birthday. I can't believe how old that looks on paper - so close to 30. When I got to work this is what my desk looked like.
The theme was "Creepy Crawlers" because I'm always bringing in pictures of the bugs we find in our apartment to show my co-workers. The decorations were topped off with this super-huge hairy arachnid perched atop my computer - ewww!
Later that night just as Daniel and I were finishing dinner, his brother Mat called and said that his parents had a gift they wanted to give to me that night, so we headed on over.

But when we walked in I was greated by about 2 dozen friends and family all waiting to surprise me! Sneaky Daniel and been planning a surprise party for weeks! He did a great job of keeping it secret and pulled it off beautifully. It was so much fun to see so many people there - family, co-workers, old roommates and even mission buddies.

He even made and decorated a special cake for me! Do I have the best husband or what!?!?
Here I am blowing out the candles.

And speaking of creepy crawlers, here is the latest find from our apartment - gross!


Lisa said...

Yea Emily! Happy Birthday! And eeewwww... that's a yucky creepy bug!

Rebecca said...

Happy Birthday Emily!! What a cute cake.

Those bugs are pretty gross.