Saturday, April 11, 2009

Let's Go Fly A Kite

The first Saturday we were back from Texas was the Annual Gerow Family Kite Fly. Every year the Gerow family gets together at Uncle Orville's farm in Goshen, Utah (basically the middle of nowhere), to fly kites and have a potluck bbq lunch.

I'd never flown a kite before so I was really excited about it. It was a perfect day to fly too; the sun was shining and the wind was a blowin.

Daniel and I decided to share a kite, so we took turns letting her go. We had a hard time of it at first becuase we forgot to let out the tail :) But once we figured that part out, she just kept going up, up, up and away.

We let out all of the string she came with, then tied on an extra spool. When we let all of that one out, when tied on a third spool. When the third spool was all let out, we tied on a fourth! The kite was so high that if you looked away at all, it was really hard to locate the faint red speck in the big blue sky again.

When we decided to tie the string onto a wind-up contraption so it would be easier to pull the kite in, apparently the knot wasn't tight enough because as soon as we let go the kite got away!

Well, we had fun while it lasted and felt proud that we got our kite to go the very highest.

Here are some pictures of the family:

Dad, Mom, Michael, Grandma, Daniel, Emily, Matthew sporting our kerchiefs.

Daniel on the horse. I'm not sure what he's doing.

Matthew vs. Kite

Mom and Dad watching Michael fly.

Dad, Michael and Matthew putting the kites together.


Rebecca said...

The only time I've "flown a kite" is the cheap plastic thing we found on sale at the store. It didn't work so well. This looks very impressive!!

Holly said...

That looks fun! How awesome that you got it up so high.